Flower Delivery in Chapel Hill, NC

Bowerbird Flowers and Apothecary simplifies flower delivery throughout the Chapel Hill area. Pick your favorite bouquet designed by expert florists to send flowers to Chapel Hill.


The Best Florist Near Me

Bowerbird Flowers and Apothecary is a florist in Chapel Hill NC.

Bowerbird Flowers and Apothecary is a top florist in Durham, North Carolina, known for crafting exquisite flower arrangements and breathtaking bouquets for every occasion. Our skilled team of florists brings passion and artistry to every creation, using only the freshest, highest-quality blooms.

Call Bowerbird Flowers and Apothecary the flower delivery experts in Chapel Hill North Carolina and surrounding areas or the Chapel Hill Florists today for your free estimate or if you have any questions, give us a call at 984-234-0024 for flower arrangement.


Featured Flowers

Whether you're celebrating a birthday, anniversary, Mother's Day, offering sympathy, or simply spreading joy with a gorgeous bouquet or classic red roses, we have the perfect floral gift for you. Our collection features custom designs, popular arrangements, and elegant options for weddings and special events.

We understand that every moment is unique, which is why we provide personalized consultations to help you choose the ideal flowers and gifts. In need of a last-minute present? We've got you covered! Our online flower shop makes it simple to order flowers and have them hand-delivered with care. We offer same-day delivery throughout Durham, Chapel Hill, Raleigh, and nearby areas, ensuring your thoughtful gesture arrives fresh and on time.

At Bowerbird Flowers and Apothecary, we specialize in turning moments into cherished memories. Alongside our floral creations, we offer a curated selection of gifts, including candles, cards, chocolates, and pre-made gift boxes to enhance your thoughtful gestures. Visit us at 3105 Shannon Rd, Suite 205, Durham, NC 27707, or explore our online catalog at bowerbirdflowers.com. Let us help you express your sentiments with beautifully handcrafted floral designs.

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Flowers for Every Occasion

Color plays a vital function in the realm of flower arrangements, not just for visual appeal but also for the psychological reactions they stimulate. From the enthusiastic reds to the tranquil blues, each color tells a story, making particular flower arrangements unceasing best-sellers.

Take a look at the most popular flower arrangements classified by color, presenting insights into why these colors resonate so highly with clients.

The Traditional Reds: Enthusiasm and Love
Red flower arrangements, especially those featuring roses, are associated with love and enthusiasm. A best-seller for romantic events like Valentine's Day and anniversaries, red flowers communicate deep feelings and a classic sense of love. Other popular red flowers include tulips and carnations, each incorporating a special texture and tone to bouquets.

Bright Yellows: Happiness and Companionship
Yellow flowers are in demand for their capability to bring a sense of brightness and delight. Sunflowers, with their big, open faces, are a favorite, representing joy and coziness. Daffodils and yellow tulips are likewise popular, particularly in spring, for their joyful colors that stimulate sensations of friendship and new beginnings.

Tranquil Blues and Purples: Harmony and Sophistication
Blue and purple arrangements are extremely preferred for their relaxing and stylish look. Lavender, with its fragile scent and soft purple color, is a leading option for creating a sense of peace and comfort. Blue hydrangeas and irises are likewise popular, including a touch of elegance and harmony to any setting.

Lively Oranges and Pinks: Energy and Appreciation
Orange flowers, such as marigolds and gerbera daisies, radiate energy and eagerness, making them a go-to for events and pleasant presents. Pink flowers, consisting of peonies and cherry blooms, represent appreciation and appreciation, and are a popular option for Mother's Day and as an indication of gratitude.

Pure Whites: Beauty and Compassion
White flower arrangements, including lilies, orchids, or roses, are timeless and versatile. Typically related to pureness and beauty, they are a staple for wedding events and official occasions. White flowers are likewise typically utilized in sympathy arrangements, providing a sense of peace and honor.

Abundant Greens: Development and Consistency
Greenery in flower arrangements, such as eucalyptus, ferns, and succulents, has actually seen a rise in level of popularity. These arrangements, frequently utilized as accents, signify development and consistency. They are progressively sought after for their minimalist appeal and their capability to match both dynamic and subdued color combinations.

The power of color in flower arrangements can not be downplayed. It affects ambiance, communicates messages, and includes depth to the art of flower design. Comprehending the psychological and symbolic significance behind various colors can assist flower designers and clients alike in choosing the perfect arrangement for any celebration. Whether it's a fiery red arrangement for a romantic gesture or a soothing blue bouquet for a tranquil area, the colors we select in our flower arrangements have the power to interact far beyond words.

florist reviews

"Bowerbird Flowers worked together with our wedding planner Events by Emily to create our dream wedding floral design. They completely transformed our venue’s dining room into a magical Bridgerton/English garden-inspired space. The seating chart Bowerbird created was incredible and the stuff of dreams, as were the bouquets. The floral arrangements for the ceremony and reception were all different from each other and all beautiful. Plus, Diane and her team were wonderful to work with! We are very grateful for the memories they helped us create."

Bianca Lupan


Florist In Chapel Hill, North Carolina


Are you in the Chapel Hill, North Carolina area and are looking for a real local florist that does flower delivery near me? Are you interested in having fresh flowers delivered? If the answer is yes, you have found a great resource to take care of all your florist needs. We are the best florist in Chapel Hill NC. No arrangement like wedding flowers, funeral flowers is too big or too small for us. We provide full service florist services.

In gloomy or distressing times, we understand how crucial it is for you to reach out to loved ones as soon as you can. That's why we provide same-day delivery services to hospitals, funeral homes, and care homes across Maine. We are fully equipped to deliver your lovely gifts promptly and smoothly.

Bowerbird Flowers and Apothecary commitment to you is 100% customer satisfaction on all your floral and gift purchases. If you are not completely satisfied, let us know by calling 984-234-0024.

We serve the areas and zip codes:
  • Durham
  • Chapel Hill
  • Raleigh
  • Carrboro
  • Research Triangle Park
  • Hope Valley
  • Duke Forest
  • Trinity Park
  • Old West Durham
  • Southpoint
  • Northgate Park
  • Forest Hills
  • Brightleaf at the Park
  • West Hills
  • South Square
  • Parkwood
  • Brier Creek
  • Colonial Village
  • Braggtown
  • Roxboro
  • Woodcroft
  • Falconbridge
  • Northwood
  • Croasdaile
  • Eno Valley

Local Florists Services And Local Flower Delivery

Browsing the Blooms: Necessary Do's and Do n'ts of Wedding event Flower Customs
Wedding event flowers are more than just decoration; they're a sign of the charm and beauty of your wedding. Nevertheless, getting through the complexities of flower rules can be challenging. Here is a succinct guide to the do's and don'ts of wedding event flower customs, helping couples make updated choices while preparing their weddings.

Do's of Wedding event Flower Rules:
Do Think about the Place
Tailor your flower arrangements to match the design and color design of your location. For example, a grand ballroom may require luxurious, high focal points, whereas a garden setting would be boosted by more natural, wildflower arrangements.
Do Communicate With Your Florist
Create clear communication with your florist. Share your vision, choices, and budget plan restrictions, and be open to their tips and know-how.
Do Mind the Season
Select seasonal flowers. Not only are they more budget friendly and sustainable, but they also make sure the best flowers for your wedding.
Do Honor Cultural and Spiritual Customs
Know any flower customs or significance particular to your or your partner's cultural or spiritual background. Some flowers might have specific significance that can add an unique touch to your wedding event.
Do Think about Allergic reactions
Guarantee none of your visitors have serious allergies to specific flowers. Choose hypoallergenic flowers if required to create a worry-free environment for everybody.
Do Repurpose Your Flowers
Think of repurposing your flowers from the event to the reception. This is not just cost-efficient but also eco-friendly.

Don'ts of Wedding event Flower Customs:
Do Not Neglect Your Spending Plan
It's very easy to get enchanted with intricate flower styles, however it's vital to adhere to your budget plan. Talk about economical alternatives with your florist.
Do not Forget the Wedding Event Celebration
The wedding event celebration's flowers must match the bride-to-be's arrangement and the overall wedding event style. However, the bride-to-be's arrangement need to stand out as the most intricate.
Do Not Overlook the Time of Day
The time of your wedding event can affect your flower options. For instance, night wedding events may require more stunning arrangements with much deeper colors.
Do Not Overlook the Logistics
Think about the logistics of your flower arrangements. Ensure they're tough enough to hold up against the day's activities and that they reach the location on time.
Do Not Undervalue the Power of Simpleness
In some cases, less is more. Basic and classy arrangements can be just as sensational as luxurious ones and often more classic.
Do Not Overlook the Photography
Keep in mind that your flowers will be included in your wedding event pictures. Pick colors and designs that photograph well and match your wedding attire.

Flowers are a crucial element of your big day, and following appropriate customs makes sure that they enhance, rather than interfere with your celebration. By thinking about these do's and don'ts, you can get through your flower choices with self-confidence, making sure that your wedding event flowers completely show the charm and sophistication of your wedding.



How do I place an order?

To place a flower order at Bowerbird Flowers and Apothecary, you can visit our website to order online, or call our local shop. We offer local flower delivery to Chapel Hill, and near Chapel Hill area as well as surrounding areas.


Can you deliver to Chapel Hill?

We are sending flowers to Chapel Hill, NC and surrounding areas. Order today for Chapel Hill flower delivery


Can you accommodate special requests for arrangements?

Our floral designers can create a custom one-of-a-kind bouquet unique for any special occasions or style. If you like a particular flower or design, we can customize it for you. Call Bowerbird Flowers and Apothecary to order flowers today.